

Functional Medicine Sibo | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 14 days ago (

Description: If too many bacteria are in the small gut, SIBO will happen. Usually, the small intestine has a relatively low number of bacteria compared to the large intestine. But some things can throw this balance off, which can cause too many germs to grow. These factors include: Impaired Motility: Conditions that slow food movement through the digestive system, such as intestinal adhesions or certain medications, can contribute to SIBO. Structural Abnormalities: Structural abnormalities in the small intestine, such as strictures or diverticula, can create pockets where bacteria can accumulate and grow. Low Stomach Acid: Insufficient stomach acid can allow bacteria to survive in the small intestine instead of being killed off. Dysfunction of the Ileocecal Valve: The ileocecal valve typically prevents the backflow of bacteria from the large intestine into the small intestine. If this valve is not functioning correctly, it can contribute to SIBO.


Tag: functional medicine, gut health, Holistic Healing

Is Bryonia Good for Dry Cough? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 20 days ago (

Description: Bryonia, also known as Bryonia alba, is a plant used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years to address various health ailments, including dry cough. It comes from Europe and some parts of Asia. It is now widely available in the form of herbal supplements or tinctures. If you have a dry cough, Bryonia is known to help loosen and clear out mucus in the respiratory system thanks to its expectorant properties. It can relieve that irritating, persistent cough that leaves you feeling frustrated and exhausted.


Tag: Bryonia, Herbal, Holistic

Does Functional Medicine Work with Leukemia? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 15 days ago (

Description: Functional medicine is a method of healthcare that targets the underlying causes of disease and promotes optimal health and well-being. It views the body as an interconnected system, recognizing the dynamic relationship between an individual’s environment, lifestyle, and genetics. Functional medicine practitioners aim to understand the unique factors contributing to a person’s health concerns and develop personalized treatment plans to restore balance and optimize well-being.


Tag: Functional Medicine, Leukemia Treatment, Holistic Healing

Does Functional Medicine Treat Depression? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 24 days ago (

Description: Functional medicine in healthcare aims to tackle the underlying causes of illnesses and enhance overall wellness. It aims to treat the whole person, considering the unique genetic, biochemical, and environmental factors influencing health. Functional medicine practitioners provide patient care in a personalized and holistic manner, combining the best of conventional medicine with evidence-based alternative therapies.


Tag: Functional Medicine, Depression Treatment, Holistic Healthcare

Can Functional Medicine Cure Lichen Sclerosus?

Posted by 22 days ago (

Description: This chronic inflammatory skin condition predominantly affects the genital and anal regions. However, it can occur in other parts of the body as well. It predominantly affects women, but men and children can also develop this condition. The symptoms of lichen sclerosus include itching, pain, white patches, thinning of the skin, and discomfort during sexual intercourse or urination. If left untreated, lichen sclerosus can lead to scarring and permanent changes in the affected areas.


Tag: Functional Medicine, Lichen Sclerosus, Holistic Treatment

How Do I Know If Functional Medicine Is Working? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 23 days ago (

Description: Functional medicine is a method of healthcare that targets the underlying causes of disease and promotes optimal health and well-being. It views the body as an interconnected system, recognizing the dynamic relationship between an individual’s environment, lifestyle, and genetics. Functional medicine practitioners aim to understand the unique factors contributing to a person’s health concerns and develop personalized treatment plans to restore balance and optimize well-being.


Tag: Functional Medicine, Integrative Healthcare, Patient Care

What Symptoms Does Functional Medicine Treat? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 23 days ago (

Description: The holistic approach to healthcare: Functional medicine considers the interconnectedness of various systems in the body and recognizes the importance of considering a person as a whole. It acknowledges that imbalances in one area can affect others and aims to restore balance and promote overall well-being. Focus on identifying root causes of symptoms: Instead of solely managing symptoms, functional medicine practitioners strive to uncover the underlying factors contributing to a person’s health issues. By addressing these root causes, long-term healing and improvement can be achieved. Emphasis on personalized treatment plans: Each individual is unique, and functional medicine recognizes the importance of tailoring treatment plans to each patient’s specific needs. This personalized approach considers genetics, lifestyle, environment, and individual preferences. Importance of addressing the underlying imbalances: Functional medicine recognizes that symptoms often manifest underlying imbalances in the body. Functional medicine aims to restore optimal function and support the body’s natural healing abilities by identifying and addressing these imbalances.


Tag: symptoms, holistic health, integrative medicine

Holistic and Integrative Medicine: Paths to Comprehensive Wellness

Posted by 28 days ago (

Description: Holistic medicine is an approach to healthcare that considers the whole person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare. It recognizes that these aspects are interconnected and seeks to address health issues by addressing the root causes instead of simply managing the symptoms. On the other hand, integrative medicine is a healthcare approach combining conventional medical treatments with evidence-based complementary therapies. It emphasizes the integration of different healthcare modalities to provide comprehensive and individualized care. Understanding the difference between holistic and integrative medicine is crucial to making informed decisions about healthcare options. Knowing the distinctions helps individuals choose the approach that aligns with their values, preferences, and health needs.


Tag: Holistic Health, Integrative Medicine, Wellness Practices

When Do Hormone Pellets Peak? Unraveling the Secrets of Hormone Optimization

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Hormone Pellets and Holistic Medicine Before we get into the nitty-gritty of hormone pellet peaks, let’s take a moment to understand what hormone pellets are and the holistic approach we’re all about at Merge Medical Center. What are Hormone Pellets? Hormone pellets are tiny, bio-identical hormone-filled cylinders that are inserted under the skin. They release hormones gradually, providing a steady stream of hormones into the bloodstream over an extended period. Why Choose Holistic Medicine? Merge Medical Center specializes in holistic medicine, which means we focus on treating the whole person, not just their symptoms. Our approach considers physical, emotional, and environmental factors to promote overall well-being.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone optimization, hormone levels

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Posted by 30 days ago (

Description: Understanding Hormone Replacement Therapy Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Blue Cross Blue Shield’s coverage, let’s quickly cover what Hormone Replacement Therapy is all about. HRT is a medical treatment that involves supplementing or replacing hormones in the body, often prescribed to manage symptoms of hormonal imbalances or to alleviate menopause symptoms in women. It can also be used to treat transgender individuals seeking to align their physical appearance with their gender identity.


Tag: hormone replacement, hormone therapy, hrt

Can Functional Medicine Cure Osteoarthritis? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 13 hours ago (

Description: Definition of Osteoarthritis Cartilage disintegration characterizes Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease. This protective tissue cushions the ends of bones within joints. It frequently affects knees and other weight-bearing joints, hips, spine, and hands. Osteoarthritis causes pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility, significantly impacting an individual’s quality of life.


Tag: functional medicine, osteoarthritis treatment, holistic healthcare

How Often to Replace Hormone Pellets? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 16 days ago (

Description: Hormone pellets serve as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that gradually releases hormones into the body by inserting them under the skin. They commonly relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes. However, the efficacy of hormone pellets depends on several factors, including pellet quality, hormone levels, and the rate at which the body metabolizes hormones. A critical consideration regarding hormone pellets is knowing when to replace them. For example, suppose hormone levels become too low or too high. It may result in a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, as well as potential health risks. Therefore, understanding the shelf life of hormone granules and the replacement frequency is crucial. . This article will provide essential insights into the functionality of hormone pellets and the significance of replacing them when necessary. In addition, we will provide information about how often replacements should be made and the risks of not replacing items. This knowledge will empower patients to make informed decisions regarding hormone replacement therapy and optimize the benefits of hormone pellet therapy.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone therapy, hormone replacement

Functional Medicine Nutrition | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 7 days ago (

Description: Functional medicine is a healthcare philosophy that seeks to understand the root causes of chronic diseases and address them through personalized and integrative treatments. In addition, nutrition is central to functional medicine, substantially affecting the body’s physiological functions and overall health. Proper nutrition can prevent and treat chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune diseases, by providing the body with essential nutrients and supporting natural healing processes.


Tag: functional medicine, Nutrition, Functional Medicine Nutrition

How to Find a Good Functional Medicine Doctor in South Carolina?

Posted by 8 days ago (

Description: Hey there! Are you on the lookout for a good functional medicine doctor in South Carolina? Well, you’re in luck because I’ve got some fantastic tips to help you find the perfect fit for your healthcare needs. Functional medicine takes a holistic approach, focusing on the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms. So, let’s dive right in and discover how you can find a top-notch functional medicine doctor in the beautiful state of South Carolina!


Tag: functional medicine, functional medicine doctors, Doctors in South Carolina

Is a Functional Medicine Doctor the Same as a Naturopath?

Posted by 14 days ago (

Description: In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, alternative approaches have gained popularity, offering patients new perspectives and possibilities for holistic well-being. But is a functional medicine doctor the same as a naturopath? Two such practices, functional medicine and naturopathy, often get mentioned in conversations about personalized and integrative healthcare. However, it’s crucial to understand that there are similarities between functional medicine doctors and naturopaths. But remember, they are not interchangeable terms. This article will delve into functional medicine and naturopathy, highlighting their unique characteristics, approaches to patient care, treatment modalities, and the factors to consider when choosing between the two. By demystifying these alternative healthcare practices, we aim to provide you with a clearer understanding of their differences and similarities. Empowering you to make informed decisions about your well-being journey.


Tag: Functional Medicine, Naturopath, Functional Medicine Doctor

What Do Functional Medicine Doctors Do? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 15 days ago (

Description: Functional medicine is a rapidly growing field within healthcare that aims to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal health and wellness. Unlike traditional medicine, which often focuses on treating symptoms, functional medicine doctors take a more holistic approach by considering the whole person and the complex web of factors that contribute to their well-being.


Tag: functional medicine, functional medicine doctors, hormones

Functional Medicine for Inflammation | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 21 days ago (

Description: Functional medicine is a rapidly growing field that takes a holistic approach to healthcare. Functional medicine is different from conventional medicine because it looks for the root causes of illness instead of treating symptoms as they happen. It does this through making changes to one’s lifestyle, diet, and other interventions. Chronic inflammation is one area where functional medicine has shown particular promise in improving patient outcomes. This article will explore chronic inflammation, its causes and consequences, and functional medicine’s management role.


Tag: functional medicine, Inflammation, hormone replacement therapy

Functional Medicine Gut Health | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 22 days ago (

Description: The patient-centered approach of functional medicine focuses on identifying and treating the underlying causes of diseases in gut health. It is a personalized approach that considers the unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors contributing to an individual’s health. One of the critical areas of focus in functional medicine is the gut-brain axis. The gut-brain axis refers to communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. The nervous system, hormones, and immune cells facilitate this communication. The vagus nerve connects the digestive tract and the brain, which allows for the transmission of signals between the two.


Tag: functional medicine, gut health, hormone replacement therapy

Which Disease/Disorder is Treated with Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Posted by 28 days ago (

Description: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment that replaces hormones to alleviate hormone deficiency or imbalance symptoms. Hormones are crucial in many bodily functions, including growth, metabolism, and sexual development. Hormonal imbalances can cause various health problems, including diseases and disorders. This article will explore some diseases and disorders treated with HRT.


Tag: hormone replacement, hormone therapy, hrt

Functional Medicine and Hormones | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 28 days ago (

Description: Introduction to Function Medicine Functional medicine is a healthcare philosophy emphasizing identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic diseases and health conditions. Unlike conventional medicine, which tends to treat symptoms with drugs or surgery, functional medicine aims to restore the body’s natural function by addressing the root causes of health problems. Hormonal imbalances are a common health concern that functional medicine can effectively manage. Hormones regulate numerous bodily processes, including reproduction metabolism, mood, and reproductive health. Hormonal imbalances can occur for multiple reasons, including stress, poor nutrition, environmental toxins, and aging. Traditional medicine treats hormonal imbalances with medications or hormone replacement therapy. Functional medicine takes a more holistic approach, looking at the whole person and their lifestyle to identify and address the underlying causes of hormonal imbalances. This outline will explore the functional medicine approach to hormonal imbalances, common hormonal imbalances, and available treatment options.


Tag: functional medicine, hormones, hormone replacement therapy

Pellet Hormone Therapy vs. Other Hormone Therapies

Posted by 4 days ago (

Description: Pellet Hormone Therapy has been widely used for years to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, androgen deficiency, and other hormonal imbalances. Several forms of HRT include oral, transdermal, topical, vaginal, injection, and hormone pellets. In recent years, hormone pellets have gained popularity as an option for HRT due to their unique advantages. Placing hormone pellets under the skin is a quick and straightforward process that involves small, rice-sized pellets containing bioidentical hormones. They offer a steady release of hormones, avoiding the peaks and valleys that can occur with other forms of HRT. Inserting hormone pellets every few months provides convenience, and they cause fewer side effects than other forms of HRT. In this outline, we will compare hormone pellets with other forms of HRT and highlight their benefits and risks. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment that uses hormones to supplement the body’s natural hormone production. HRT aims to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, androgen deficiency, and other hormonal imbalances. It can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis and some types of cancer. Several forms of HRT include oral, transdermal, topical, vaginal, injection, and pellet hormone therapy. Each type of HRT has advantages and disadvantages, and the treatment choice will depend on the patient’s needs and medical history.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone therapy, hormone replacement

Hormone Pellets for Andropause | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 5 days ago (

Description: Male menopause, also called andropause, affects older men, typically beginning in their 40s or 50s. A decrease in testosterone production causes it, the primary male sex hormone. As testosterone levels decline, men may experience various symptoms that significantly affect their quality of life. It includes decreased energy levels, sex drive, depression, and weight gain. This is where hormone pellets for andropause are helpful. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment option that can help alleviate the symptoms of andropause. Hormone pellets supplement the body’s declining testosterone levels. While several forms of HRT are available, hormone pellets have gained popularity recently due to their convenience and efficacy. This article will explore hormone pellets as a hormone replacement therapy for andropause, including their definition, ingredients, benefits, and risks. We will also discuss the symptoms associated with andropause and how hormone pellets can help alleviate them. We will finally present information on how to undergo hormone pellet therapy and examine the potential future of this treatment option.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone therapy, andropause

Hormone Pellets for Thyroid | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Hormone Pellets Hormone pellets are small, rice-sized cylinders made of natural or synthetic hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone. They are inserted under the skin of the buttocks, abdomen, or hip through a minor surgical procedure. Once implanted, the pellets gradually release hormones into the bloodstream over several months, providing consistent hormone levels for optimal health and well-being. Let’s find out the use of hormone pellets for thyroid.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone therapy, thyroid

Hormone Pellets for Menopause | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 12 days ago (

Description: What is Menopause? Menopause is a natural biological process that concludes a woman’s reproductive years. It is a normal part of aging and usually occurs between 45 and 55. During menopause, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes, including decreased hormone production. These changes can result in various symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. One of the medical procedures that can relieve the symptoms of menopause is hormone pellets. Hormone pellets for menopause have gained popularity in recent years. It involves using tiny pellets containing hormones to help alleviate menopausal symptoms. This article will explore what hormone pellets are, how they work, and who is a good candidate for HPT.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone therapy, menopause

Guidelines to Maintain Your Heart’s Health for Life

Posted by 19 days ago (

Description: Your heart circulates blood throughout a vast 60,000-mile network to nourish the trillions of cells in your body. These easy Guidelines to Maintain Your Heart’s Health can improve and keep your heart healthy for the rest of your life. 7 Easy Steps to Improve your Heart’s Health


Tag: health, heart health, health care

What is breast thermography? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 9 days ago (

Description: Breast thermography is an imaging technique used to detect breast cancer in women. It is a non-invasive and radiation-free procedure that uses infrared technology to measure breast temperature. It has the potential to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages when it’s much easier to treat and has a better chance of successful treatment. The breast thermography process begins with the patient lying on their back in a darkened room. Illuminating their breast area with an infrared camera. This camera captures images of the breast tissue and records the amount of heat emitted from each area. A computer interprets these signals and produces a detailed report indicating abnormal findings or breast abnormalities. Using the information from breast thermography determines whether further tests are necessary.


Tag: Breast Thermography, Thermography, Breast Health

Colon Hydrotherapy Is It Safe and Effective Colon Cleaning?

Posted by 9 days ago (

Description: Colon hydrotherapy is commonly performed before medical procedures such as colonoscopies. However, colonic irrigation, also known as colonic hydrotherapy, is often used as a “complementary and alternative” treatment to eliminate toxins from the body. Is colon hydrotherapy safe? It is the most common question regarding this medical procedure. Proponents of colonic irrigation tout the treatment’s capacity to alleviate digestive and other health ailments. However, there is little scientific evidence that colonics are beneficial for the majority of people. In many situations, the hazards outweigh the potential benefits.


Tag: colon hydrotherapy, hydrotherapy, colon cleaning

9 Habits That Pose a Serious Threat to Your Heart

Posted by 23 days ago (

Description: Restorative breakthroughs in heart health and its well-being concentrate on our everyday behaviors that pose a grave threat to our heart’s health. Indeed, there is no denying the significance of labor, but our highest priority should be health. The food we consume, the amount of sleep we get, and the workouts we conduct are essential aspects of our health that we cannot neglect. Fight against daily activities that are detrimental to heart health. Stress increases hypertension, which varies from 115/70 mm Hg or higher and increases with age and genetic inheritance. Consult cardiologists and cardiac specialists to determine the optimal diet; they will help you distinguish between good and bad cholesterol. Keep medical aid close at hand and be aware of the changes in the healing world; this is the norm for developing a better environment. Disregarding numerous behaviors as detrimental to the heart increases the risk of developing heart disease.


Tag: health, heart health, health care

Hormone Pellets for Men: What are the Benefits of it?

Posted by 23 days ago (

Description: Both men and women can experience symptoms of hormonal imbalances when they reach middle age. And while you may be more familiar with menopause symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes, men can also experience symptoms from low testosterone levels. Andropause, the male equivalent of menopause, is a hormonal imbalance that typically occurs between the ages of 40 and 50. If you’re unsure whether you could benefit from hormone therapy, continue reading to learn how hormone pellets for men can help you feel your best again.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone therapy, hormone

The Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy On Sexual Health and Libido

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment option that is used to alleviate symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, such as those experienced during menopause or low testosterone in men. One area where HRT can have a significant impact is sexual health and libido. Hormones play a vital role in sexual health, and imbalances can lead to a range of issues, including decreased desire, vaginal dryness, and pain during intercourse. Hormone Replacement Therapy can help address these symptoms by restoring hormonal balance and supporting healthy sexual function. For women, HRT can involve the use of estrogen, progesterone, or a combination of the two, while men may receive testosterone replacement therapy.


Tag: hormone replacement, hormone therapy, hrt

Holistic Health Clinic in SC | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 35 minutes ago (

Description: A holistic health clinic is a healthcare facility that provides a wide range of alternative and complementary therapies. Treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of a specific illness or health issue. These clinics take a holistic approach to healthcare. It includes the body, mind, and spirit to promote optimal health and wellness. Holistic health clinics may offer a variety of treatments and therapies. Including acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, herbal medicine, nutritional counseling, and mind-body therapies such as meditation, yoga, and tai chi. These therapies are often used with conventional medical treatments to provide a more well-rounded and comprehensive approach to healthcare.


Tag: health, holistic, holistic clinic

How Long Does It Take To Digest Food? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 6 days ago (

Description: A common question about digestion is how long does it take to digest food? Here is our brief answer to this common concern of people. Digestion is a complex process that begins when we start eating and continues until all food is broken down into small molecules that the body can absorb. Generally, digestion takes between 24 to 72 hours. Depending on what types of food you’ve eaten, how much liquid you’ve had with your meal, and your digestion speed.


Tag: health, diet, weight loss

7 Helpful Tips in Digestion | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 13 days ago (

Description: Digestion is essential to a healthy lifestyle, as it affects how we absorb the nutrients from our food. Having tips to improve digestion can help you ensure you’re getting the most out of your meals. Here are 7 helpful tips in digestion to help you get the most out of your digestion system:


Tag: health, diet, weight loss

Is Colon Cancer Genetic? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 23 days ago (

Description: Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and is a significant cause of mortality worldwide. Estimating that colon cancer accounts for approximately 8% of all cancer-related deaths in the United States annually. The exact cause of colon cancer is still unknown. But certain factors can increase an individual’s risk of developing colon cancer. Genetics plays a role in colon cancer, with some people having a higher risk due to inherited genetic mutations. The passing down of genetic mutations from parent to child has a higher chance. It can increase the chances of colon cancer occurring in one’s lifetime. Mutations in specific genes like APC and MUTYH have been associated with an increased risk for colon cancer. Inherited genetic mutations may also cause familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or Lynch syndrome, significantly increasing colon cancer risk. People with FAP will develop hundreds or thousands of precancerous polyps in their colon that can become malignant over time. Similarly, individuals with Lynch syndrome have an increased risk for colon cancer due to inherited mutations in the MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, and EPCAM genes. While these genetic mutations are rare, they represent a significant portion of inherited colon cancer cases. These are essential to consider when determining an individual’s risk profile. In addition to inherited genetic mutations, lifestyle factors like smoking and obesity can also influence the development of colon cancer. People who smoke have a higher incidence rate of colon and other cancers, such as lung and bladder. Eating diets high in unhealthy fats and processed foods can also lead to colorectal adenoma formation. It increases the chances of developing colorectal carcinomas over time. It is important to note that having one factor does not guarantee one will develop colon cancer; instead, it increases their odds relative to those lacking this key factor(s). Besides genetics and lifestyle factors, factors like family history or environmental exposures may contribute to someone’s chances of developing this disease. Further research into colon carcinogenesis is needed to understand better these potential associations between factor(s) contributing to colon tumorigenesis. For individuals interested in their risk assessment of developing colon cancer, speak with a healthcare professional such as your primary care physician or gastroenterologist. They can help determine if it requires any further evaluation, such as genetic testing, depending on one’s unique situation and family history. In addition, many organizations provide resources for educating patients and supporting managing colon / colorectal health – getting knowledge about your risks can help you make more informed decisions about your health!


Tag: colon cancer, cancer, health

Vitamin Guide: 13 Comprehensive List | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 24 days ago (

Description: Vitamins are organic molecules necessary for normal metabolic processes. These functions include repairing damaged tissue with proteins and producing energy from lipids and carbs. They do not directly supply the body with energy or calories. Because the human body cannot produce vitamins (except for vitamin D), preventing vitamin deficiency illnesses by diet. There are thirteen vitamins in all, separated into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble. The body cannot store water-soluble vitamins, which include Vitamin C and the B-complex group. Vitamins are rapidly released through urine; thus, they must replace regularly. In contrast, fat-soluble substances are retained temporarily in the liver and fatty tissues.


Tag: vitamins, nutrition, health

Hormone Replacement Therapy, Menopause, and Weight Gain

Posted by 30 days ago (

Description: What is Replacement Therapy for Hormones? Administering estrogen and progesterone through pills, skin patches, or vaginal creams in hormone replacement treatment. Studies have demonstrated that hormone therapy reduces not just menopausal symptoms but also the risk of osteoporosis and increases longevity. A woman who has undergone a hysterectomy may also be prescribed hormone therapy. However, they have solely prescribed estrogen. Men and women have used this therapy for decades. Essentially, there are two forms of therapy: estrogen therapy and progestogen-estrogen therapy. Doctors recommend only a modest dose of estrogen in estrogen therapy to prevent or alleviate menopause symptoms. During progestogen-estrogen therapy, doctors administer estrogen and progesterone in combination doses. Referring to synthetic progesterone by the word progestin. Every month, this treatment is delivered for a couple of weeks.


Tag: hormone replacement, hormone therapy, hrt

How Long Does It Take For Hormone Pellets To Work?

Posted by 6 days ago (

Description: How are Hormone Pellets Applied? Hormone pellets, also known as hormone implants, administer with hormone replacement therapy via a tiny pellet implanted under the outer layer of skin. The hormone pellets are composed of natural hormones, slowly released over time. Most people asked, how long does it take for hormone pellets to work? Read this article to learn more. They offer a steady hormone level within the body, as hormone levels can vary significantly in a person’s life. Due to stress, aging, lifestyle, and other factors, hormone pellet therapy helps maintain more consistent hormone levels and improve overall health. Time Before Hormone Pellets To Work So how long does it take for hormone pellets to start working? Although the exact timeframe depends on the individual, research has shown that hormone pellet therapy can begin to work within two days to two weeks of implantation. Within this time frame, hormone levels become more balance. Releasing hormones slowly into the bloodstream and absorbed by the body. One significant benefit of hormone pellet therapy is that it offers sustained hormone release over extended periods. Compared to other hormone replacement therapies, such as pills or injections. Most hormone pellets typically last 4-6 months, depending on the type and amount implanted. Implanting new pellets after this period is a must to maintain consistent hormone levels in the body. It is important to remember that every individual’s body responds differently when using hormone pellet therapy. It may take some time for each patient’s body to adjust accordingly. During this period, an individual may experience side effects such as headaches or nausea from increased hormone levels in their bloodstream. However, these symptoms should subside after their bodies become accustomed to their new hormonal balance achieved through hormone pellet therapy. In general, most patients notice positive results from hormone pellet therapy within three months after their first treatment session. However, some individuals may respond sooner or later depending on factors such as age or underlying medical conditions before commencing treatment with hormone pellets. It is also vital for patients to follow up with regular health check-ups throughout their treatment plan for their physician. It is to monitor progress and adjust dosages accordingly if needed.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone therapy, hormone

Hormone Replacement Therapy Reduces The Risk for which of the Following Conditions?

Posted by 13 days ago (

Description: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment used to relieve symptoms of menopause. The main purpose of HRT is to replace the hormones that the ovaries no longer produce after menopause. This therapy can be taken in pill form, as a patch, gel, or cream. HTR has been very popular and prescribed to millions of women over the years and its benefits have been well publicized. HRT remains an effective treatment option for many women suffering from menopausal symptoms. When used correctly, hormone replacement therapy can relieve symptoms and may even reduce the risk for certain conditions. In this article, we will discuss some of the conditions that HRT has been shown to reduce risk.


Tag: hormone replacement, hormone therapy, hrt

Is Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe for Heart Patients?

Posted by 14 days ago (

Description: Hormone replacement therapy has been very popular in recent years, as they offer a potential way to alleviate various age-related issues such as low energy levels, declining muscle mass, and sexual dysfunction. For men, testosterone replacement therapy is often the hormone of choice, as it can effectively improve these issues. However, there has been some concern over whether or not testosterone replacement therapy is safe for men with heart conditions. An article from the national library of medicine stated that “in patients with established CV disease or those with increased CV risk factors including risks for ASCVD, the benefits of TRT should be weighed against the risks of replacement. The article goes on to say that over the past few years, the FDA has concluded that there is no evidence for significant CV risk for any given group of people treated with TRT.” However, the article also states that “further studies are warranted to elucidate the risks of TRT in patients with significant CV risk factors and those with prior history of CV events.” Recommendations from both the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Endocrine Society are to avoid testosterone replacement therapy in men with poorly controlled heart failure, recent myocardial infarction, revascularization, and stroke within the last six months. However, it is important to note that these recommendations are based on expert opinion rather than large-scale clinical trials. Overall, there is still some uncertainty over whether or not testosterone replacement therapy is safe for men with heart conditions. However, the available evidence does not seem to suggest that it is a major risk factor. If you are considering testosterone replacement therapy, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.


Tag: hormone replacement, hormone therapy, hrt

Holistic Medicine in South Carolina | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 21 days ago (

Description: What Does Holistic Medicine Mean? Holism is a way of viewing living things as “entities greater than and different from the sum of their parts.” – 1926 Jan Christiaan Smuts What Is Holistic Medicine? According to the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA), “Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent and treat disease, and most importantly, to promote optimal health. It includes an analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, spiritual, and lifestyle elements. Holistic medicine focuses upon patient education and participation in the healing process.” Holistic medicine, also known as functional medicine or integrative medicine, is about the integration of healing systems – the merging of conventional with complementary or alternative therapies. The following are Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies often included in holistic medicine that Merge Medical Center offers in the Charleston South Carolina area: Natural Hormone Therapy Herbal Medicine Digestive Health Nutritional Consultation Chinese Therapeutic Massage Homeopathy Prolotherapy Naturopathic Medicine (Natural Medicine) Osteopathy Aromatherapy Nutraceuticals


Tag: holistic, holistic medicine, hormone therapy

What to Expect in Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Posted by 3 days ago (

Description: As we age, our hormone levels naturally decline. It can lead to several body changes, including fatigue, weight gain, decreased libido, and more. Natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help offset these changes by replenishing the hormones our bodies are no longer producing. Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy Overview Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment that replaces hormones when our body is no longer producing hormones. It is commonly used in relieving symptoms of menopause and also to treat other conditions—taking HRT as pills, patches, gels, hormone pellets, or injections. The specific hormones used will depend on the individual’s needs. In relieving menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, HRT can also help prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of heart disease. It is essential to take note that HRT is not without risks. Undergoing the treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. If you’re considering HRT, knowing what to expect is essential. Here’s a look at some of the most common questions about HRT:


Tag: hormone replacement, hormone therapy, hrt

How To Get Rid of Myalgia | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 4 days ago (

Description: What is Myalgia? Do you suffer from Myalgia? If so, you’re not alone. Myalgia is a condition that affects millions of people all around the world. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Myalgia, but there are pain management treatments that can help make the symptoms more manageable. In this blog article, we will discuss what Myalgia is, the symptom of Myalgia, and how to get rid of Myalgia using both traditional and alternative treatments. We hope this information will help you manage your Myalgia and live a happier, healthier life!


Tag: myalgia, muscle pain, stiffness

IV Vitamin Therapy Benefits | What Does IV Vitamin Therapy Do

Posted by 10 days ago (

Description: IV vitamin therapy involves injecting a mixture of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrient-rich cocktails into the bloodstream. In the 1930s, Physician John Myers popularized the Intravenous Vitamin Therapy practice. John Myers, who is from Baltimore, developed Myer’s cocktail. Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy Intravenous Vitamin Therapy is beneficial because it can skip digestion, providing quick and effective therapy. It delivers vitamins and minerals directly to the body for maximum absorption. This popular treatment option allows the nutrients to downpour your body at the cellular level. ?We will not tolerate larger doses orally if we use this method to deliver more significant amounts safely.


Tag: IV Vitamin, IV Vitamin therapy

Can Doctors Prescribe Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: What is this hormone replacement therapy, and can doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy? Hormone replacement therapy is a hot topic in the medical community. Hormone replacement therapy is a term used to describe treatments that involve replacing, supplementing, or balancing hormones in the body—accomplished in several ways, taking hormone pellets pills, using patches or creams, or getting injections. Using hormone replacement therapy treats various conditions, including menopause and andropause. If you are considering taking HRT, you will want to find a highly qualified and certified doctor to perform this therapy for you. This blog article will discuss whether or not doctors can prescribe hormone replacement therapy.


Tag: hormone replacement, hormone therapy, hrt

What Causes Low Energy and Low Libido? | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 8 days ago (

Description: There could be many reasons why someone might have low energy and low libido. It includes but is not limited to poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, anxiety, depression, thyroid issues, and hormonal imbalance.


Tag: low energy, low libido

What Should You Know About Holistic Approach To Medicine?

Posted by 15 days ago (

Description: The holistic approach to medicine is a branch of alternative medicine that takes a broader view of the patient’s health and wellbeing. Practitioners believe that all aspects of the person’s life, including their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, are interrelated and must be considered to achieve optimum health and wellness. This approach is based on the belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and that an imbalance in any area can lead to problems in other areas.


Tag: holistic, holistic medicine

Hormone Pellets Therapy in South Carolina | Merge Medical Center

Posted by 22 days ago (

Description: Manufacturing hormone pellets to be bio-identical to your own body’s hormones. They mostly come from extracts from natural sources, e.g., soy and yam. Using bioidentical hormones is reported effective in augmenting levels or replacing what a patient does not make. The hormone is implanted in the subcutaneous skin and releases small, physiologic doses of hormones regulated by a patient’s cardiac output to provide optimal therapy.


Tag: hormone pellets, hormone therapy, hormone